We at Mountain Cave Cane Corso guarantee and assure you that each and every puppy shall be in good health to the best of my knowledge at the time of buy/adoption. We will not rehome a puppy that is unfit for sale or contaminated in any way. Each puppy will have his or her puppy shots or be up to date on all vaccines including rabies, and will be dewormed annually. These babies will be vet checked and certified free of contagious and infectious disease. A follow up vet visit including stool sample is required.
If your vet finds that your pup is unfit for sale, a letter stating so will be required from your vet.
If your pet has been found to be unfit for sale a refund puppy will be given as soon as one becomes available. We always advice our clients to contact their vets within 72 hours after they pick up or their puppy is delivered to them for medical checks. That will assures both party of the state condition of the dog. Please this is very important and take it very serious.
We reserve the right at any time during the adoption process to refuse adoption with full refund given
We do not hold puppy for longer than their 8 weeks ,for any reason. We will always be here to assist you in anyway if needed.

Covered Accidents, Illnesses, and Conditions
(We cover pretty much everything, except pre-existing conditions.)
Dental Illnesses
Extractions, gingivitis, root canals, and more; covered up to $1,000/year, no dental exam required.
80% of dogs and 70% of cats have a form of periodontal disease by age 3.
Breed-specific, Congenital & Genetic Conditions
Conditions a pet is born with or due to a gene defect, such as hip dysplasia, allergies, intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), and others.
Chronic Conditions
Long-term illnesses or injuries like arthritis or diabetes; no per-condition limits and coverage continues when you renew.
Preventable Conditions
Lyme disease, parasites, parvo, and other illnesses that may have been prevented are still covered.
Orthopedic Conditions
Ligament tears, broken bones, osteosarcoma, and more are covered after a six-month waiting period (or opt to have it reduced).
Covered Treatments for All the Things Your Pet Might Get Into
Diagnostic exam fees are covered and included with every policy.
Complementary Treatments* & Rehabilitation
Less-invasive treatments, like acupuncture or laser therapy (when not preventative), included at no extra cost.
Emergency Care
Pets are covered at any emergency vet clinic, including after-hours.
Hospitalization & Surgery
Scheduled or emergency surgery is covered,** including required hospital stays, even overnight.
Specialist Care
Treatments from veterinary specialists such as oncologists, internal medicine experts, behavioralists, and others.
Diagnostic Testing
We cover all diagnostic testing for any covered illness or condition, including biopsies, X-rays, MRIs, etc.
Prescription Drugs
If the condition is covered, so are the prescription meds used to treat or manage it.
Pre-Existing Conditions Done Differently
While no pet insurance policy covers pre-existing conditions, Embrace handles them differently to get you the most coverage.
A pre-existing condition is any injury, illness, or irregularity noted by you or your vet before your pet’s waiting period is over, even if your pet never went to see the vet for it.
12-Month Medical History Review
We only review the last 12 months of your pet’s medical history to establish pre-existing conditions. Some pet insurance companies review the past 24 months or your pet’s entire life.
Curable and Incurable Conditions
Some conditions are curable and we want to cover them. For example: your pup had an upset tummy with vomiting three months before enrollment. If he’s symptom- and treatment-free for a year, that condition is eligible for coverage in the future.
Compare Pet Insurance Coverage
Embrace offers one simple policy so you can rest easy knowing your pet is protected against the unexpected. Choosing the right pet insurance plan for your pet and your budget is hard enough without sorting through multiple coverage levels, or deciding if you need extra coverage (that always comes with an extra cost).
With Embrace, it’s all included in our accident & illness policy.
What’s Never Covered
For a complete list of exclusions see the Embrace Policy Terms and Conditions.
Pre-existing conditions
Breeding, whelping, or pregnancy
DNA testing or cloning
Deliberate injury by you or anyone in your household
Injury or illness from fighting, racing, cruelty, or neglect
Cosmetic procedures such as tail docking, ear cropping, & dew claw removal unless medically necessary
Avian flu or nuclear war
Routine veterinary care (like wellness checkup exam fees)
Preventative Care with Wellness Rewards
Wellness Rewards isn’t insurance, it’s our optional, flexible plan to help budget for your pet’s preventative and routine care. The wellness plan can be added to any insurance policy.
While insurance helps cover accidents and illnesses after they happen, Wellness Rewards reimburses you for preventative treatments and care, like grooming and nail trims, training, spay/neuter surgery, dental cleanings, and more.
**Spay/neuter surgery is preventative and not covered by insurance (but can be reimbursed by our wellness plan).
*Complementary treatments were previously called alternative therapies.
More Services
Cane Corso are already Intelligent, active and very like minded, he is an unequalled watch and protection dog. Docile and affectionate with the owner, loving with children and with the family, if necessary he becomes a terrible and brave protector of people, house and property. He is easily trained.
We can assist you with your new Cane Corso Puppy, by offering additional puppy training.
• Pup(s) may stay an additional 1-2 weeks
• Planting the seeds of basic training include:
• potty training (bell training)
• crate training
• basic commands;
– sit
– down
– off (no jumping)
– leave it
– attention (watch me)
– introduction to leash walking
– sitting prior to eating
– recalls
– drop it
– trade
– back up
– easy (when taking a treat) and name recognition.
• Pups will be well socialized with children, people and other dogs.
We work to desensitize them from noises; such as the vacuum, traffic, weather and other loud noises.
They will attend puppy-preschool at our WAGS Training Classes.
Show potential dogs we will work on stand stay (for exam) and presenting their bite.